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Getting Ready to Worship

Introduction to the Unit

Gathering Song

Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling



Saying Sorry to God

Saying Sorry Action

God Gives us a New Start

Prayers for Other People

Prayer Action

Thank You God

Creative Response

Sharing God's Peace

Taking God's Love

Into the World


Saying Sorry to God

Invite the children to sit in a circle for a moment of quiet.

Jesus loves us with a wonderful love!

But we don’t always share that love with each other.

Let’s say sorry for the times we haven’t loved like Jesus loves.

Let’s sing our Sorry Song together.

Saying Sorry to God: Option 1

➜Song: ‘The Diddy Disciples Sorry Song’ © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby

➜Tune: © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby.

Spoken: Let’s put our hands on our head.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve thought this week

that we wish we hadn’t thought? 

Lead the children in placing your hands on head, singing.

With my hands on my head,

I remember the things I’ve thought today,

I remember the things I wish I’d thought a different way.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Diddy Disciples 'I'm Sorry' sign

I wish I could start again. Diddy Disciples 'New Start' sign

I’m sorry, I’m sorry,'I'm Sorry' sign twice

I wish I could start again. 'New Start' sign

Spoken: Let’s put our hands by our mouths.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve said this week

that we wish we hadn’t said? 

With hands by mouth, singing. . .

With my hands on my mouth,

I remember the things I’ve said today,

I remember the things I wish I’d said a different way.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Diddy Disciples 'I'm Sorry' sign

I wish I could start again. Diddy Disciples 'New Start' sign

I’m sorry, I’m sorry,'I'm Sorry' sign twice

I wish I could start again. 'New Start' sign

Spoken: Let’s cross our hands on our chest.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve done this week

that we wish we hadn’t done. 

With hands crossed on chest, singing. . .

With my hands on my chest,

I remember the things I’ve done today,

I remember the things I wish I’d done a different way.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Diddy Disciples 'I'm Sorry' sign

I wish I could start again. Diddy Disciples 'New Start' sign

I’m sorry, I’m sorry,'I'm Sorry' sign twice

I wish I could start again. 'New Start' sign

Continue with a Saying Sorry action or move straight to the 'God Gives Us a New Start' Building Block.

Saying Sorry to God: Option 2

➜Song: ‘We need a new start’ Words © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby

➜Tune: © Molly Malone (traditional)

Spoken: Let’s put our hands on our head.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve thought this week

that we wish we hadn’t thought? 

Lead the children in placing your hands on head, singing.

For the things we have thou-ght

that we wish we'd not thought,

we're sorry, we're sorry, Diddy Disciples 'I'm Sorry' sign twice

we need a new start. Diddy Disciples 'New Start' sign

Spoken: Let’s put our hands by our mouths.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve said this week

that we wish we hadn’t said? 

With hands by mouth, singing. . .

For the things we have sa-id

that we wish we'd not sa-id,

we're sorry, we're sorry,'I'm Sorry' sign twice

we need a new start. 'New Start' sign

Spoken: Let’s cross our hands on our chest.

I wonder if there’s anything we’ve done this week

that we wish we hadn’t done. 

With hands crossed on chest, singing. . .

For the things we have do-ne

that we wish we'd not do-ne,

we're sorry, we're sorry,'I'm Sorry' sign twice

we need a new start. 'New Start' sign

Continue with a Saying Sorry action or move straight to the 'God Gives Us a New Start' Building Block.

Saying Sorry to God

➜ Guide: p.223

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