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Getting Ready to Worship


Introduction to the Unit

Gathering Song

Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling



Saying Sorry to God

Saying Sorry Action

God Gives us a New Start

Prayers for Other People

Prayer Action

Thank You God

Creative Response

Sharing God's Peace

Taking God's Love

Into the World

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Prayers for Other People

➜ Guide: Book 1, p.223 and p.225

Prayers for Other People


It’s time for us to pray for God’s Kingdom to come!

Invite the children to sit in a circle for a moment of quiet.


Let’s imagine holding our prayer gently,

Hands together gently in traditional prayer gesture, but cupped so you can imagine a prayer inside.

and then let it go up in prayer to God,

Hands opened upwards to God.


If you’re using Option 1:

Jesus Hands together, cupped

hear our prayer Hands opened upwards to God

Let’s pray . . .


Prayers for Other People: Special Option

You can use this material either in the place of your usual Prayers for Other People, or as the Prayer Action within your usual prayers.


Either (for children who already know the Lord’s Prayer):

Let’s pray the ‘Our Father’/Lord’s Prayer together.

When we say, ‘your Kingdom come’, let’s shout that part!

And let’s show God’s Kingdom . . .

Week 1: growing into the biggest tree! Tree grows (p. 236)

Week 2: like the biggest party! Party action

Week 3: sparkling like treasure! Jazz hands

Week 4: growing tall into an amazing harvest! Stretch up tall

Week 5: turning everything topsy turvy!

Diddy Disciples ‘New Start’ sign (p. 355)


Use the version that your children will hear in church/school.

Our Father, who art in heaven,                                              

Hallowed be thy name.                                                            

THY KINGDOM COME!                                                              

This week’s Kingdom action                                                     

Thy will be done.                                                                       

On earth as it is in heaven.                                                     

Give us this day our daily bread.                                           

And forgive us our trespasses,                                                

As we forgive those who trespass against us.                      

And lead us not into temptation                                           

But deliver us from evil.                                                           

For thine is the Kingdom,                                                        

The power and the glory,                                                        

for ever and ever, Amen.                                                         


Or (for children who are beginning to learn the Lord’s Prayer):

Let’s pray the ‘Our Father’/Lord’s Prayer together.

When we get to ‘thy/your Kingdom come’ let’s stop

and let’s show God’s Kingdom:


Week 1: growing into the biggest tree! Tree grows (p. 236)

Week 2: like the biggest party! Party action

Week 3: sparkling like treasure! Jazz hands

Week 4: growing tall into an amazing harvest! Stretch up tall

Week 5: turning everything topsy turvy!

Diddy Disciples ‘New Start’ sign (p. 355)


Use the version that your children will hear in church/school.

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be your name;

Your Kingdom come . . .

This week’s Kingdom action


Or (for very young children):

To the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’ (see Introducing the Unit: Option 2):

Let’s sing the prayer Jesus taught us ‘my turn’ point to self,

‘your turn’ leader’s hands out to group.

When we get to ‘thy/your Kingdom come’ let’s show God’s Kingdom:


Week 1: growing into the biggest tree! Tree grows (p. 236)

Week 2: like the biggest party! Party action

Week 3: sparkling like treasure! Jazz hands

Week 4: growing tall into an amazing harvest! Stretch up tall

Week 5: turning everything topsy turvy!

Diddy Disciples ‘New Start’ sign (p. 355)



Traditional version                                    Modern version

Our Father                                                Our Father

Our Father                                                Our Father

Who art in heav’n                                     I-in heav’n

Who art in heav’n                                     I-in heav’n

Hallowed be thy na-me,                         Hallowed be your na-me,

Hallowed be thy na-me,                         Hallowed be your na-me,

Thy Kingdom come!                                Your Kingdom come!

Thy Kingdom come!                                Your Kingdom come!

This week’s Kingdom action                  This week’s Kingdom action


Prayers for Other People: Option 1

âžœSong: ‘Jesus, hear our prayer’ © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby

âžœTune: 'Brown girl in the ring' (traditional)


For the world:                             Jesus, hear our prayer.

Make a circle shape                   Open hands upwards to God

For the Church:                          Jesus, hear our prayer.

Praying hands                             Open hands upwards to God

For our place, Walworth*:         Jesus, hear our prayer.

Hands down moving out in       Open hands upwards to God

a semi-circle to indicate the place around us

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Amen.

Open hands upwards to God

* Insert the name of your local area/school/church/community/parish.


For the sick and lonely:              Jesus, hear our prayer.

Fingers showing tears falling    Open hands upwards to God

down cheeks

For our friends and family:        Jesus, hear our prayer.

Arms around yourself                Open hands upwards to God

For ourselves:                             Jesus, hear our prayer.

Both hands on heart                  Open hands upwards to God

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Amen.

Open hands upwards to God.


Let’s close our eyes for a moment.

I wonder if there’s someone special you’d like to pray for?

Let’s imagine them now.

Let’s imagine Jesus coming to them.


Does Jesus say anything?

Does Jesus do anything?


Let’s open our eyes.

You may like to continue with one of the Prayer Action options.

Once the Prayer Action has been completed, you may like to use the following verse to close this time of prayer.


Take our prayers:                       Jesus, hear our prayer.

Hands together gently            Open hands upwards to God

Make them holy:                       Jesus, hear our prayer.

Hands together gently             Open hands upwards to God

Make them beautiful:               Jesus, hear our prayer.

Hands together gently             Open hands upwards to God

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! Amen.

Hands together gently, then open hands upwards to God.


Prayers for Other People: Option 1b

âžœSong: ‘Jesus, hear our prayer’, alt. words © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby

âžœTune: 'He's got the whole world' (traditional)


For the world and all people:      Hear our prayer.

Make a circle shape                     Open hands upwards to God

For all Christians in all places:    Hear our prayer.

Praying hands                               Open hands upwards to God

For the place that we live in:      Hear our prayer.

Hands down moving out in        Open hands upwards to God

a semi-circle to indicate the place around us

Lo-rd Jesus, hear our prayer. 

Open hands upwards to God


For the sick and lonely:              Hear our prayer.

Fingers showing tears falling    Open hands upwards to God

down cheeks

For our friends and family:        Hear our prayer.

Arms around yourself                Open hands upwards to God

Fo-r ourselves:                            Hear our prayer.

Both hands on heart                  Open hands upwards to God

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. 

Open hands upwards to God.


Let’s close our eyes for a moment.

I wonder if there’s someone special you’d like to pray for?

Let’s imagine them now.


Now let's imagine Jesus coming to them.

Does Jesus say anything?

Does Jesus do anything?


Let’s open our eyes.

You may like to continue with one of the Prayer Action options. For this alternative tune, amend 'Jesus, hear our prayer!' to 'Hear our prayer!' in the refrain sung during the action.


Once the Prayer Action has been completed, you may like  to use the following verse to close this time of prayer.


Jesus, take our prayers:               Hear our prayer.

Hands together gently                Open hands upwards to God

Jesus, make them holy:               Hear our prayer.

Hands together gently                Open hands upwards to God

Jesus, make them beautiful:       Hear our prayer.

Hands together gently                Open hands upwards to God

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! 

Hands together gently, then open hands upwards to God.


Prayers for Other People: Option 2

âžœPhilippians 4.6

âžœSong: ‘Diddy Disciples Little Prayers song’. © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby

âžœTune: 'Frere Jacques' (traditional)


Either: choose what you’d like the group to pray for before the session.

Or: ask the children at this point if there is anything or anyone that they’d like to pray for.


Ask the children to suggest actions for the prayers. You will need two different ‘thank you’ suggestions and two different ‘hear our prayer’ suggestions. Try to encourage the offering of at least one prayer for people outside the group.


Invite the children to sing after you, repeating your words and their actions. Sometimes it might be almost impossible to fit the child’s own words in! But it’s really valuable to do so where possible, resisting the urge to try and ‘tidy up’ their suggestions.


For example:

For our foo-ood,

For our foo-ood,

Thank you, God!

Thank you, God!

Fo-r our teachers,

Fo-r our teachers,

Thank you, God!

Thank you, God!


For Nancy’s Nanny,

For Nancy’s Nanny,

Hear our prayer!

Hear our prayer!

Fo-r people with no homes,

Fo-r people with no homes,

Hear our prayer!

Hear our prayer!


At this point, you could insert a Prayer Action, repeat the process, or move straight on to close with the following (or other words that remain the same each week).


For toda-ay,                   Point hands down for ‘now’

For toda-ay,                   Point hands down for ‘now’

Thank you, God!            Open hands upwards or together in prayer

Thank you, God!            Open hands upwards or together in prayer

Fo-r yo-ur lo-ve,          Cross hands on chest

Fo-r yo-ur lo-ve,          Cross hands on chest

Thank you, God!           Open hands upwards or together in prayer

Thank you, God!            Open hands upwards or together in prayer

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