The worship material from the books is available electronically here for leaders to cut and paste and create their own session.
Anyone who has bought Diddy Disciples Books 1 or 2 can gain access. You can find your password on the inside front cover of your book, or on the final copyright page of your Kindle book.
Godly Play expert and researcher and consultant in children’s spirituality
‘Diddy Disciples is an invaluable blend of Sharon Moughtin-Mumby’s reflective practice and contemporary thinking about childhood spirituality. The result is an exceptional and inspiring resource for churches working with the very youngest children. A powerful case for seeing why the very young deserve the very best, and this is a well-tested method for doing that.’
Dean of Southwark Cathedral
‘When Jesus taught, he often used a language that was unafraid to hover rather than land. Through imaginative and playful provocation, he was opening up spaces for his listeners to move into. This is exactly what Diddy Disciples does. It takes for granted the fact that young children are intelligent and perceptive, and it therefore doesn’t look down on them. Neither does it pretend that Christian faith is anything but a rich, complex and teasing migration towards the love and mystery of God, where questions can be as vital as insights. This is a liberating combination for everyone involved.’
Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford
‘We all think we know that biblical scholarship and Sunday School teaching belong in different worlds. Diddy Disciples shows that we are wrong. Sharon Moughtin-Mumby brings the wisdom of a professional biblical scholar to the task of communicating the essence of the Bible to very young children, unveiling the depths of biblical stories for young disciples. Very user-friendly material from which adults can learn too.’
Consultant to the Liturgical Commission and Chair of Godly Play UK
‘This is a serious book: serious about children; serious about worship; serious about spirituality; serious about God. Sharon Moughtin-Mumby draws upon her own experience as a priest, a parent and a theologian, and on the time-honoured shape of the liturgy, to create patterns for worship that honour God, by enabling the tiniest worshippers to hear the word and respond in praise. She offers enchanting and creative resources that will help to build the Church.’